Products & Services

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Ready Mixed Concrete

Ready-mixed concrete is one of the main businesses of RMC Readymix (India) (A Division of Prism Cement Limited) Beginning with 1996 by setting up the first plant in Mumbai, the Company expanded its network of state-of-the-art concrete batching and mixing plants to more than 50 locations in the country. The Company produces and supplies tailor-made concretes to suit differing customer needs.

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Modern Plant And Equipment

For producing quality concrete RMC-India employs sophisticated plant and equipment. The salient features of the Company’s typical plant set-up include :

  Fully automated plant with computerised control on the entire production process
  Load-cell based weigh batchers for input materials
  Power mixers for efficient mixing
  Separate water-tight silos for cement, fly ahs/blast-furnace slag and independent bins for the storage of different sizes of fine and coarse aggregates
  A large fleet of well-maintained transit mixers.

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In Depth Expertise

Over years, the Company has developed an in-depth expertise in the sphere of concrete technology and has pioneered many new products in the country. These include:

Temperature-Controlled Concrete.
  Colored Concrete
  Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
  High Density Concrete.

In the recent past, demand of some leading customers of the Company in certain markets has shifted from routine concrete mixes to concretes of higher grades and having special performance characteristics. The Company possesses adequate expertise to produce and deliver such concretes. After conducting extensive laboratory and field trials the Company has developed and produced the following special concretes:

[In-depth expertise]  

High strength concretes (HSC)
  High performance concretes (HPC)
  High-volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC)
  Self compacting concrete (SCC).

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Besides producing ready-mixed concrete, RMC-India also ventured in to Aggregates Quarrying and Processing business. With a modest beginning made in October 2000, the Company has established a total of seven aggregate crushing and processing facilities till date. All these facilities not only cater to the demand of the growing ready-mixed concrete business of the Company but also to the aggregate needs of a number of construction firms and contractors.


The Company produces different sizes of aggregate to suit the demands of the market. The products can be grouped in the following categories:
Aggregates for concrete in various sizes
  Aggregates for wet mix macadam (WMM)
  Aggregates for GSB

A * Aggregate * In Depth Expertise * Modern Plant And Equipment * Ready Mixed Concrete